duminică, martie 08, 2009

183 - Cercei cu margele mici alb-transparente (pot fi set cu colierul de mai jos) - vandut

cercei lungime medie, margele mici de lampa, alb-translucide cu stropi multicolori, elemente decorative metalice argintii in forma de evantai (pot fi set cu colierul de mai jos)

5 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

I am contacting you through this form to find out if you would be interested in free,
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Icons, mascot designs, Directory and article submission for your site.alhambra-bijoux.blogspot.com
We can provide you these services free of cost if you can give us back text link from your site.
Please let me know the product of your interest, so that I can provide you more details.


Alhambra spunea...

thanks, but no, thanks

Nicu spunea...

Va invit pe www.myfav.ro (si pe blogul asociat) pentru a va pune in
practica ideile, care se pot realiza prin gravura/decupare laser.

Felicitari pentru blog.

Gaina Albastra spunea...

Buna :D

Te-am adaugat si eu in blogroll


scarves spunea...

You have an amazing jewelry collection. The stone ones are really fashionable.